How All-on-4 Can Help Restore Facial Features

Has tooth loss affected the way you look? Do you feel that missing teeth makes you appear older than you should? Premature aging is a concern for many patients who have lost their teeth. Without our teeth, our faces can appear sunken in and excessively wrinkled. If you are concerned about your appearance after tooth loss, we recommend looking into dentures supported by dental implants, also known as “All-on-4″.

All-on-4 can restore more than your smile. Having your dentures retained by dental implants will help you maintain healthy bone mass and fill out your face so that your cheeks and lips look their best. This treatment option increases oral function, too, so that you can enjoy your favorite foods comfortably.

Aging and Tooth Loss

Losing our teeth contributes to looking older than we should. This is because our teeth are no longer present to hold the jaws in alignment. Instead, our gums make contact when our mouth is closed, causing our faces to have more wrinkled expressions, hollowed cheeks, and inwardly-turned lips.

Wearing dentures can fill out our faces, preventing an aged appearance. Unfortunately, conventional dentures that aren’t retained by dental implants won’t stop our bodies from resorbing the bone in our jaw. As the bone sits inactive, its resorption contributes to accelerated aging.

Premature aging affects more than our appearance. It can affect our self-confidence and increase the risks for social isolation and depression.

Benefits of All-on-4

All-on-4 presents unique benefits to edentulous patients. This tooth replacement method is stable so that people can live without dietary restrictions. Since dental implants are embedded into the jawbone, they keep the bone active and therefore decrease a person’s risk for developing noticeable bone loss. Lastly, dentures supported by dental implants lend a very natural and lifelike aesthetic to one’s smile.

If you have questions about your tooth replacement options with dental implants, call Central Oklahoma Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates to reserve a consultation. At your appointment, we will answer your questions and perform a physical examination to determine if All-on-4 meets your needs.

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