Tooth Extraction

Patients who are considering having their wisdom teeth removed may understand the idea of impacted teeth but not realize that there are a number of scenarios for this condition. One of these is a soft tissue impacted tooth, in which there is enough room in...

A tooth extraction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a tooth. Performed by a dentist or oral surgeon, a tooth extraction is only recommended when it is necessary to preserve a patient’s health and quality of life. The reasons a tooth extraction...

Since a damaged or diseased tooth cannot health itself, professional care is necessary to restore oral health. A tooth may require more than just restorative treatment such as a crown or filling. Badly decayed and damaged teeth often require root canal therapy or a tooth...

Have you recently had a tooth extracted? Perhaps you have an upcoming extraction scheduled. Sometimes our teeth fail. Whether it is from disease or an injury, some teeth require extraction when they cannot be saved with restorations or endodontic therapy. Severely diseased teeth can pose...

A tooth extraction normally occurs at least once in a patient’s lifetime. While teeth are incredibly durable, they are vulnerable to damage from injury and cavities. When teeth are damaged beyond repair or when teeth are unable to erupt through the gums properly, a tooth...

Many patients have qualms about the prospect of oral surgery, so it can be tempting to postpone a tooth extraction until the situation becomes a crisis. However, there are many reasons to be proactive about having a damaged tooth removed in a timely fashion if...