All-On-Four Preserves Your Facial Structure

When you seek replacement for your missing teeth, you don’t just improve your ability to eat or your confidence when you smile. Securing a fixed set of dentures can actually preserve your facial structure and your youthful features! Our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office can protect smiles and preserve them with All-On-Four.

Tooth Loss and Premature Aging

Did you know that tooth loss can cause you to take on a prematurely aged appearance? When we lose our natural teeth, the body will respond by halting the flow of calcium and phosphorus to the jaw around these lost roots. Without these nutrients, the bone tissue gradually breaks down, causing further toothy loss and for many, a prematurely aged appearance, with sunken cheeks and even a ptotic chin. However, dental implants can halt the breakdown and preserve your smile. With All-On-Four, we can even do this without the need for grafting or sinus lifts to strengthen the weakened portions of your smile beforehand!

The All-On-Four Difference

All-On-Four only requires four dental implants per arch, which means the system requires less structure to support a full set of dentures. These will be specially placed to stimulate the growth of jawbone structure and prevent the breakdown that causes an aged appearance. Thes can also support your dentures. Since the posts act as new roots, they can last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime. In comparison, traditional removable dentures need to be replaced every five years and they don’t halt the breakdown of the jaw ridge.

Securing Your New Smile

To begin, we will carefully examine your smile with advanced digital technology to choose the best angle and positions to insert each post. We will provide a local anesthetic and sedation to ensure you’re comfortable as we place these new roots. Once they’re in place, we will attach abutments to them or connect a titanium bar. Finally, we attach the denture. In one visit, you leave our office with a complete smile. Later, you can return so we can remove the temporary denture and attach our final one. You enjoy a full smile throughout the process, and can speak without complication and eat your favorite foods again!

If you have any questions about how we restore the function, health, and beauty of your smile with our implant dentures, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a smile that is full and beautiful, and we’re ready to help you!


Our team is eager to help you smile with confidence and enjoy better oral health and function as a result. To finally address the missing teeth in your smile, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.


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