Could You Obtain A New Smile In One Day?

When most or all of your natural teeth are gone, this could lead to an aged appearance and negative impacts on your overall quality of life. But to prevent these complications and help you smile with confidence, we can offer implant dentures. At our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office, we’re talking about how we place All-On-Four implant dentures in one day.

Treating Your Total Tooth Loss

At one time, receiving dental implant dentures meant a lengthy placement process. Once we inserted the implant post into your jaw, there would be a wait time of three to four months, sometimes more. The jaw and the new roots needed to bond through a process known as osseointegration before we could move forward with attaching your prosthetic. If you lost mass and density in the jaw due to tooth loss, then you could find yourself unable to receive implants without first undergoing a grafting or sinus lift procedure. But with All-On-Four dentures, we can secure a smile in one visit, even with weakened jawbone structure.

All-On-Four Dentures

As the name implies, our team will insert just four small implant posts into the jaw at specific angles and positions, allowing them to not only support a full set of prosthetics, but also stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to preserve your smile. They also require less structure to stay in place! If you have lost most of your teeth, then contact our team. We will examine your smile and plan the tooth replacement process in detail. Even if years have elapsed since you lost your teeth, we’re ready to help.

Placement and Prosthetics

First, we may need to gently remove any remaining teeth to make room for your full dentures. Once we do, we will then guide the new posts into place. Once inserted into the jaw, we will attach abutments to the posts or possibly a titanium bar. We then attach a set of prosthetics. In a future visit, you may return so we can swap the temporary prosthetic for a final one. Which means at no point do you have an incomplete smile, you leave our office after one visit with a full set of dentures, so you can smile with confidence!

If you have any questions about the All-On-Four process, then please contact our team today. We look forward to helping you smile with confidence and enjoy optimal oral health.


Our team is ready to help you enjoy a complete smile again with only four dental implants and a custom prosthetic. To find out more about treating your edentulism, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.


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