How We Provide Patients With Teeth-In-A-Day

For many, the prospect of receiving dental implant dentures could mean a prolonged process, with months between the placement of the implants and the attachment of your dentures. But what if the entire process could be done in a single visit? Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide Teeth-In-A-Day with the All-On-Four® system.

The Loss of Your Natural Teeth

You could suffer from tooth loss for a number of different reasons. For example, you could suffer from advanced tooth decay and dental infection, or sustain a serious injury. The most common cause is actually periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When we lose most of our teeth, this could mean major complications for your daily life. The gaps could lead to issues eating your favorite foods, and in turn lead to poor nutritional intake. You may also have problems speaking clearly. As your jaw gradually breaks down due to the loss of mass and density that follows tooth loss, you could develop an older appearance too, one that also limits your tooth replacement options. But we can still help with All-On-Four® implant dentures!

Planning Treatment

Every smile is unique, and will require a personalized approach to treatment. To begin, we will first numb the smile and if necessary, remove the last few teeth with a tooth extraction. Once we do, our team will gather detailed digital images, so we can assess the state of our jawbone and plan the placement of your new dental implants. We also take images that will enable us to design and fabricate a custom set of prosthetics, which look natural and reflect your unique facial structure. No smile is alike, and we never take a one-size-fits-all approach to tooth replacement.

All-On-Four® Implant Dentures

When your smile is ready and we have numbed the area and administered dental sedation, our team will gently insert the biocompatible titanium posts into the jaw. They act as new roots, bonding with the jaw and at the same time, stimulating the growth of jawbone structure, allowing your new roots to last for years to come, far longer than traditional removable dentures. Once they’re in place, we will connect annulments to them that extend above the gum line. Finally, we attach the dentures, so you leave with a full smile. We may have you return to swap your initial denture for a permanent one, after which you can enjoy a full smile that can last years.


When you lose most of your teeth, we can help you obtain a complete smile once again. To schedule a consultation, give us a call at our Stillwater, OK implant dentistry center at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685!


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