Using 3D Printing To Create Dental Implants

Replacing lost teeth requires customizing your dental prosthetic to fit the unique contours of your mouth. When your new teeth sit secure and comfortably, you can enjoy a strong bite while regaining the appearance of your full smile. When constructed properly, a dental bridge can offer these benefits for the long term with less need for adjustment. While you may think this customization would require a long turnaround time, modern technology allows us to produce a prosthetic on the same day we measure your mouth.

At your Tulsa, OK oral surgery practice, we use 3D printers to create bridges that are ready for placement right away. Combining this tech with all-on-4 implant treatment offers full mouth restoration in a single appointment. Enjoy a new smile without the hassle of weeks of waiting!

Enjoy Same Day Placement Of Your Implant-Held Dental Prosthetic

While losing teeth takes a significant toll on your oral health and personal appearance, the right prosthetic can return a beautiful smile while offering a strong bite! When it comes to creating your new teeth, you do not want a one-size-fits-all solution. By taking careful measurements of your mouth and jaw, we can create an appliance that fits the unique contour of your smile. While other methods may require waiting on an offsite lab to create your bridge, our onsite 3D printers can create your solution during your visit. In combination with securely held implant posts, your prosthetic will return the function of your lost teeth while mimicking their beautiful look.

Using All-On-4 To Treat Your Dental Loss

Also known as Teeth In A Day treatment, the All-On-4 system provides a permanent dental prosthetic within hours of your initial consult. The convenience of a prompt turnaround can be encouraging for patients who are weary of significant waiting periods. All-On-4 offers the additional benefit of a quicker healing time with smaller custom implants than traditionally sized posts. As they take up less space in your jaw, your tissues require less time to fuse. While inserting your implants, our machine prints your custom bridge to complete your treatment. After reviewing the size and shape of your restoration, it connects to abutments at the end of your implant posts. As you heal over the following weeks and months, you will gradually progress from a soft food diet to enjoying a fuller selection of your favorite meals.

We Offer Important Prosthetic Services To The People Of Tulsa, Oklahoma!

If you live in or around the Central Oklahoma area, we can place all-on-4 implants to help you care for your tooth loss. If you would like to restore your smile, or if you want to learn more about this treatment, call our Tulsa, OK treatment location at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.

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