When To Receive Implant Dentures

When you lose the majority of your natural teeth, your oral health and even your facial features can suffer. But by securing a set of dentures with dental implants, we can support a full smile again. At our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office, our team can provide a full smile with All-On-Four dental implant dentures.

The Causes and Dangers of Missing Teeth

While you could lose a tooth to cavities, infections, or even an injury, periodontal disease is often the main cause of total tooth loss for people. The advanced stage, periodontitis, actually destroys the tissue connecting your teeth and gums. When we lose the majority of our teeth, this limits our meal options and our nutritional intake, and could make clear speech difficult. The jawbone could also lose mass and density due to the lost tooth roots, so a prematurely aged appearance is possible as the jaw breaks down. Which is why addressing your missing teeth with dental implants could offer a full smile, with results that can last decades or even more.

Supporting Fixed Prosthetics

A fixed denture is one held in place with dental implants. You don’t take them out for cleaning and soaking, and they never slip when you eat or speak. The dental implants are accepted as roots by the body, which means the jawbone doesn’t lose mass and density, so you maintain your youthful facial features. Having a full set of prosthetics also means clear speech and the ability to eat your favorite foods again. However, if you’ve lost mass and density in your jaw, you may not have enough structure to support a full set of implant dentures without first undergoing a grafting procedure or a sinus lift. But with All-On-Four, we can support a full smile with just four posts.

All-On-Four Benefits

The All-On-Four system only needs four posts per arch. These are smaller and require less structure to support dentures, so even with a weakened jaw you can enjoy a complete set of prosthetics without undergoing surgery beforehand. They can last for decades to come and protect the strength of your jaw, so you maintain your youthful facial features and enjoy a strong smile that looks and functions like a natural one. The best part? In the same visit that we extract teeth and insert the posts, we will connect a denture, so you leave with a full smile!

If you have any questions about the All-On-Four system, then contact our team today to learn more.


A full smile is possible, so you can smile with confidence again. To find out more about supporting a full smile again, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.


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