Do You Qualify For All-On-Four® Implant Dentures?

Have you lost most of your teeth, or possibly all of them? While removable dentures are effective, we can secure a fixed set with dental implants, which last far longer. Not only that, but our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can complete this in only one visit with the All-On-Four® system!

Looking at Your Candidacy

Are you a candidate for the All-On-Four® process? First, we want to look at the state of your smile. Candidates are people who have lost most or all of their teeth. Otherwise, you may be better off with a partial prosthetic or bridge. Also, this is helpful for those with weakened jawbones that wouldn’t support traditional implant dentures, as the All-On-Four® systems are designed to handle tooth replacement with less structure necessary to support the implant posts. Remember, addressing tooth loss improves smile beauty, but more than that, it preserves your jaw and allows you to speak clearly, enjoy your favorite foods, and smile with confidence. You have new teeth that look and act like natural ones!

Inserting Your Dental Implants

With All-On-Four®, we don’t need six to eight implant posts per arch. Instead, we only need four posts, which are smaller and more economical in nature. With a weakened jawbone, you may need to receive grafting or sinus lifts before we could move forward with implant dentures. But with All-On-Four®, we can handle tooth replacement in weakened jaws without the need for surgery first. We will use digital technology to guide the posts into the right position and angle, so they can stimulate the growth of jawbone structure tissue and allow your new roots to last for decades, and also support a new set of dentures.

Connecting Your Prosthetic

Once your four dental implants are in place, we will move forward with addressing the portion people see when you smile. At no point will you need to wait for an area to heal before you receive dentures. In the same visit, we will connect abutments to each of the implant posts. A denture is then attached to the posts, so you have a complete smile. In some cases, this is the final prosthetic, or for others you may need to return so we can swap the temporary of the final prosthetic, completing your smile.

If you have any questions about Teeth-In-A-Day, then contact our team today to learn more. We want to help you smile with confidence in 2024!


We don’t want you to live without a full smile, and offer a durable and lifelike solution. To schedule a consultation, give us a call at our Stillwater, OK implant dentistry center at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685!


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