Implant-Retained Dentures Are Changing The Game

Failing or missing teeth can make each new day feel like a chore. But for some, the idea of traditional dentures just doesn’t feel quite right, as they imagine loose or ill-fitting replacements that don’t do much to cover up the imperfections of their smile. Others would like to avoid the wait times involved with dental implants, and we certainly understand that feeling.

That’s why our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK provides same-day All-on-4® implant restoration. If you are ready to make a change to a denture solution, give us a call to schedule a consultation to discuss how implant-retained dentures can help you to regain your confidence in your smile. This process uses titanium implant posts to give you a sturdy connection between your prosthetic and your jaw, giving you an unparalleled bite strength that you just can’t get with some other traditional prosthodontic options. When you are ready to make a change, talk to our team about same-day All-on-4® restoration!

How Dental Implants Work To Provide A Secure Connection That You Can Trust

One of the reasons that people avoid seeking out a replacement for their missing or failing teeth is because they simply do not trust that their prosthodontic solution will be able to connect with their jaw with certainty. They may think about their dentures becoming loose or just not fitting well to begin with. This is an understandable hesitation, but there is an innovative solution to give you a full new set of teeth with a stronger connection than with other traditional means of smile replacement.

All-on-4® dental restoration relies on dental implant technology, but for your entire smile. This starts with the placement of a set number of titanium implant posts within the bone of your jaw, typically four per side (hence the name). These implant posts serve as the foundation for your new smile solution.

Condensing The Process To Give You A New Smile In A Single Day

For some, the idea of dental implants seems like an option, but they do not want to have to wait for months while the implant posts heal. Our team understands that mentality, and so we offer you a novel solution. With our same-day All-on-4® process, you can renew your smile without the long wait times traditionally found with dental implants. Talk to our team to learn more about your options and discover a new world of prosthodontic repair!

Find Out More About Same-Day All-On-4® With Our Stillwater, OK Dental Implant Center!

When you are ready to make a change to a secure dental implant solution, talk to our team. To schedule a consultation, give us a call at our Stillwater, OK implant dentistry center at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685!

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