Restoring Your Full Smile After Tooth Loss


For more information on restoring your smile in a single day, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.

When you begin to lose teeth, it can feel as if you are losing hold of the appearance of your smile. As you continue to lose even more, you may feel helpless, and receiving treatment to restore your smile can seem out of possibility. Luckily, this is not the case, and in fact, you could restore significant dental loss in as little as a single day with All-on-4 implant dentistry!

At your Oklahoma City, OK dental office, we are happy to perform a procedure to return your smile with the placement of an implant-supported bridge. All-on-4 offers the restoration of an entire dental arch with a single visit to our practice. Because they are held by implants, this solution rests permanently within your mouth without the need for constant removal and cleaning like traditional dentures. You can quickly regain bite support and improve your quality of life!

A Convenient Solution For Addressing Significant Tooth Loss

While losing a single tooth is a cause for treatment, losing many teeth or an entire arch can lead to far more severe problems with your oral health. Significant loss causes you to radically alter your diet to only include soft foods leading to possible nutritional deficiencies. Because your bite stops aligning properly, you may experience pain and stiffness in your jaw as you maneuver it awkwardly. As you go longer without treatment, your jaw can begin to deteriorate as it loses the stimulation of your full bite. This means experiencing a noticeable decline in your outward appearance as your features sink inwards.

Replacing Your Teeth With All-On-4 Treatment

All-on-4 implant dentistry, a treatment solution also known as Teeth In A Day, can replace an entire set of teeth with rapid turnaround. We begin by taking digital images to plan the placement of your implant posts. Using special software, your posts are guided into a position that allows them to hold your entire restoration in unison. As you heal from treatment, your oral tissues fuse with your implant posts to mimic the function of the teeth roots you have lost.

Because this solution secures a permanent prosthetic to your jaw, you can enjoy a strong bite once again. While enjoying your favorite foods is certainly desirable, the ability to stimulate your jaw and preserve its bone is critical for stabilizing your oral health! Unlike traditional dentures that must be refitted as you lose bone density, with proper care, your new teeth can last a lifetime.

Speak With Your Oklahoma City, OK Dentist About Restoring Your Smile In A Single Day!

With the right solution, you can conquer tooth loss and enjoy your grin once again! To find out more about All-on-4 implant dentistry and our ability to give you back your full smile in a day, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.

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