How We Prepare Smiles For All-On-Four

How We Prepare Smiles For All-On-Four

oklahoma city all on four

When you have lost a substantial number of natural teeth, you may need more than a bridge or an individual dental implant. You could benefit from our All-On-Four prosthetic, which takes one visit to secure. Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK discusses how we prepare your smile for All-On-Four?

When You Need Full Smile Replacement

When do you need more than a bridge or an individual dental implant? When you are missing most of your teeth, then a full set of new teeth may be necessary. Otherwise, your tooth loss could be too severe to be addressed with bridges, and lack of attention could allow your jawbone to continue to lose mass and density, breaking down to cause further tooth loss and an aged appearance. Don’t live with tooth loss, we can help even if years have elapsed since you lost your teeth.

Prepping Your Smile

With traditional dental implant dentures, your jaw needs to be able to support multiple dental implant posts, as many as six to eight per arch. As a result, you may need oral surgery to rebuild the jaw, such as a grafting or sinus lift procedure or both. But All-On-Four uses only four specially placed posts per arch, and these are designed to require less structure to support them, so you can receive new teeth without the need for other procedures beforehand.

Securing Your New Smile

Our team will examine your smile and then choose the best angles and positions to insert these four posts. If need be, we can extract the last few teeth to pave the way for your new smile. Once the four post are in place, in the same visit we will attach a set of new and custom teeth, which are designed to look natural and offer a durable chewing surface too. You may initially receive a temporary and need to switch for the permanent one later. Once in place, your new teeth never slip and you can care for them as you would natural teeth. They have the potential to last for decades to come, or possibly even a lifetime!

If you have any questions about how our team will place dental implants and attach a new set of teeth, or if you have advanced tooth loss that needs attention, then contact our team today to learn more.


We want to offer treatment to help you enjoy your favorite dishes and smile with confidence again. To schedule a consultation and get started, give us a call at our Stillwater, OK implant dentistry center at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685! In only one visit, we can offer a full smile, so reach out today to get started!