A Full Smile After Only One Visit

A Full Smile After Only One Visit

all on four in oklahoma city

When you think about dental implant dentures, you may assume you’re looking at a process that requires multiple visits spread out over months. But with the All-On-Four system, we can provide a full set of teeth in only one day. At our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office, we’re ready to offer lifelike and durable Teeth-In-A-Day!

Starting With an initial Consultation

To begin, we will take a close look at your smile. We want to understand the cause of your missing teeth and if necessary, treat underlying issues that could impact your new dental implants. We also want to choose the angles and positions to insert your new implant post, ensuring they not only stimulate the growth of the jaw structure, but can support a full smile again. With traditional implant dentures, you may need oral surgery to strengthen the smile, with procedures like grafting or sinus lifts. But with All-On-Four, our team can instead support dental implant dentures with just four specially placed posts per arch! No need for surgery beforehand, and you can enjoy a complete smile in only one day.

Prepping Your Smile

To preserve your smile, we may need to gently remove the last few teeth. Following extraction, we can examine the smile closely to choose where we will place your dental implant posts. We also numb the area being treated and can provide dental sedation to help you remain comfortable and relaxed throughout the procedure, even if you have dental anxiety. Once you’re comfortable, we will proceed with the dental implant placement process.

The All-On-Four Process

Our team will place just four posts per arch, sitting at angles and positions that stimulate the growth of jaw structure to preserve your smile’s stability and appearance, and it ensures your new post can last for decades to come. We then attach abutments or possibly a titanium bar to the posts, before we affix your dentures. You can return later to swap the temporary for your final denture, but at no point do you have to live without a full smile. Instead, All-On-Four provides Teeth-In-A-Day, so you can leave our office with a complete smile that restores function and beauty to your smile. The denture portion is custom-made to ensure it not only fits comfortably, but also looks good and allows you to eat your favorite foods once again.

If you have any questions about how we place dental implants, then contact our team today to learn more. Everyone deserves a full and beautiful smile, and we’re ready to help you get started.


Our team is here to make sure you can smile without hesitation once again. To obtain a complete smile again, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.