
After successfully getting dental implants, you need to take steps to prevent gum disease. Without these steps, it’s possible to develop peri-implantitis, a form of gum disease caused by a buildup of plaque that affects the bone and tissue around the dental implant.  Even though the...

All-on-4 dental implants offer the security and longevity of an implant-supported dental bridge without extensive surgery or a lengthy process. For people who need a set of new teeth right away, this procedure makes it possible in just one day.  Below, we will look at 6...

If you’re feeling self-conscious about your smile because of missing or decaying teeth, then all-on-4 implants are an effective and long-lasting solution.  All-on-4 implants are a type of implant used to replace the entire arch of either the top or bottom teeth. A whole arch can...

Losing teeth can negatively affect a person’s confidence while also making it difficult to eat and speak. For patients feeling self-conscious or struggling with tooth loss,  dental implants can improve their overall well-being. In this blog, we’re going to talk about all-on-4 dental implants and who...

When you’re preparing for oral surgery, it can help to know how long the recovery period will last. Planning for the healing process will help you optimize your recovery time, whether you’re having a tooth extraction or a dental implant procedure.  It’s important to listen to...

Having your teeth removed might seem daunting. Here at COOMSA, we want to make your tooth extraction process comfortable and smooth, and one way to do that is by helping you prepare in advance. This can ease any anxiety while also helping you plan for...

Dental implants are designed to replace natural teeth, but the implant process is confusing for many patients. If you’re wondering how dental implants work, you must first understand the anatomy of your teeth. The Anatomy of Teeth By early adulthood, most people have 32 permanent teeth (this...

If you are getting All-on-4 to restore your smile after tooth loss, you are likely eagerly anticipating the procedure. For the best results, you will want to be sure to take good care of your smile afterward, as directed by your oral surgeon, so that...

Patients who are exploring their options to restore a smile that has been decimated by tooth loss may consider different approaches, including conventional dentures and dental implants. An innovative treatment known as All-on-4 can meet the needs of a wide variety of patients. When you are...