05 Nov Common Misconceptions About Dental Health
Many people may be operating under incorrect assumptions about their oral health that can ultimately lead to serious consequences.
It’s important to check and make sure that you have accurate information available when determining how to approach your oral health and treatment you might get from a specialist, such as an oral surgeon.
Misconceptions About Preventive Dental Care
Preventive dental care, including cleanings and routine checkups, and a thorough home oral hygiene routine are the key components of maintaining a healthy smile. However, people may think otherwise, as evidenced by these beliefs:
- If I’m not having any symptoms, I don’t need to see my dentist regularly.
- I only need to brush and floss once a day.
Even if you’re not having any discomfort or other concerning symptoms, your dentist should still examine your teeth and gums twice a year to look for signs of early stage oral diseases so that you can get the most effective treatment. Additionally, the professional teeth cleanings you get at these appointments remove the harmful substance, tartar, from teeth. Without professional treatment, tartar will build up over time and can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
While daily brushing and flossing is a good start, patients should brush twice each day for optimal oral hygiene between office visits. Most people are dedicated to brushing in the morning, but adding another session before you go to bed can help to reduce oral bacteria activity while you sleep.
Misconceptions About Treatments for Oral Health Issues
In addition to inaccurate information about preventive care, there are a lot of myths out there about treatment for oral diseases, such as:
- Impacted wisdom teeth only have to be removed if they’re causing some sort of problem.
- All prosthetic tooth replacements are the same.
- Dental treatment is painful.
Many patients will choose to have an oral surgeon remove impacted wisdom teeth preventively so that they don’t experience any concerning symptoms. Structurally complete tooth replacements, in the form of dental implants, outperform standard appliances.
Dental treatment doesn’t have to be painful with proper sedation, techniques and instruments. In fact, dental treatment typically resolves discomfort in the teeth and gums!
We want to make sure that you are making the most well-informed decisions possible about your dental care, and we are happy to answer any questions that you may have about any aspect of that care. Don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our knowledgeable staff members at Central Oklahoma Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Associates for assistance and guidance.