How All-On-Four Provides A New Smile

How All-On-Four Provides A New Smile

When you suffer the loss of most or all of your teeth, this could impact your oral health and your appearance. You could also suffer from a prematurely aged appearance! But to strengthen your smile and replace your missing teeth, we could offer a set of dentures in one visit. At our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office, we’re going to talk about securing All-On-Four implant dentures.

The Loss of Your Natural Teeth

Our team recommends a full set of dentures when you lose the majority of your natural teeth. Otherwise, you could find yourself limited in your meal options, which also limits nutritional intake. Major tooth loss also causes difficulties speaking clearly, and as the body suspends the flow of key nutrients to the jaw around your lost roots, an older appearance could develop. Your teeth could be lost due to factors such as cavities and infections, or even injury, but the most common factor is periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. Don’t let your smile break down, talk to our team about a set of fixed dentures with All-On-Four.

The All-On-Four Difference

Traditional dental implant dentures require between six and eight posts per arch, and you need to have enough jawbone structure to support these new spots. Which means if time has elapsed since you lost your teeth, your jaw could weaken until oral surgery is needed to strengthen the jaw. But with All-On-Four we only need four small post per arch, and they require less structure to support them, so you may not need grafting or a sinus lift beforehand. Once we insert the posts into the jawbone, the body will accept them as natural roots. Which means they can stay in place for decades to come, and for some, a lifetime.

Teeth in a Day

Did you know that the entire placement process only takes one visit? No need to wait for the placement area to heal before we attach a prosthetic. Instead, we will extract any remaining teeth and insert the post into the teeth. We then connect a denture to them in the same visit, so you leave with a complete smile. We may invite you back to switch the temporary for the final custom denture, but you won’t have to live with an incomplete smile.

If you have questions about restoring your smile with the All-On-Four system, then contact our team today to learn more.


You don’t have to live with major tooth loss, instead you can enjoy a whole and beautiful smile. To find out more about enjoying a full set of teeth in a single visit, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.