Stop Suffering From Jaw Pain

Stop Suffering From Jaw Pain

Have you been plagued by jaw pain that disrupts your daily routine and makes it difficult to do simple things like chew and speak? You don’t need to put up with such discomfort. Jaw surgery can put an end to your jaw pain.

Patients who are experiencing significant jaw discomfort should consult with an oral surgeon to discuss treatment options that can give them symptom relief.

Issues That Cause Jaw Pain

A variety of issues can cause jaw pain. The most common one is temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder, which develops when one of the jaw’s many components, including bones, muscles and tendons, malfunctions.

Patients who are experiencing significant jaw discomfort should consult with an oral surgeon to discuss treatment options that can give them symptom relief.

TMJ disorder is not the only potential source of jaw pain, however. Facial trauma can result in lingering jaw pain if the jaw does not heal properly. Arthritis can be another cause of jaw pain, as can issues like sinus problems or neurological disorders.

The best way to determine what is causing your jaw pain and get effective treatment is to undergo an evaluation by a specialist with significant experience in treating a variety of issues that can affect the jaw.

Surgical Interventions For Jaw Pain

Because an oral surgeon has extensive knowledge of the structure and function of the jaw, this type of specialist can evaluate your case and diagnose the cause of your jaw pain.

Depending on the underlying causes of your jaw pain, jaw surgery may be effective in resolving the symptoms. Jaw surgery is a broad category, encompassing a variety of procedures that target the functioning of various jaw components.

After determining the precise nature of your procedure, your surgeon can advise you of what to expect. Jaw surgery often can be completed on an outpatient basis, and depending on the complexity and nature of the procedure, patients may be able to resume normal activity within a matter of days.

To schedule a consultation that can lead to jaw pain relief, call our office and speak with one of our friendly staff members.