24 Aug Thinking About Dental Implants? Questions to Ask Your Oral Surgeon
When it comes to replacing lost teeth, dental implants are the wave of the future. Since dental implants are a newer treatment option, you likely have questions about whether dental implants meet your needs. For example, do you wonder if a pre-existing dental or general health condition will affect your candidacy for treatment? Or perhaps you want to know more about the actual procedure and the recovery process.
If you have questions about treatment, consider making a list of your questions or concerns and bring them to your appointment. Following are answers to frequently asked questions to help you learn more while you explore your treatment options.
How do dental implants work?
Dental implants are used to replace the root systems of teeth. An implant is embedded into the jawbone by an oral surgeon. A restoration like a dental crown or a prosthetic such as a denture is then anchored to a dental implant(s) to complete the tooth replacement process. The restorations or prosthetics anchored to dental implants will fill in empty tooth sockets for optimal oral function and a renewed appearance.
What to dental implants look like?
The appearance of a dental implant can be compared to the appearance of a screw. An implant is constructed from titanium and features ridges.
Will my new teeth look natural?
Restorations and prosthetics can be made from very lifelike materials such as porcelain or porcelain fused to metal. Tooth-colored restorations are virtually indistinguishable from biological teeth.
Moreover, the fact that restorations and prosthetics are held in place by implants increases their stability. Dental implants will prevent prosthetics like dentures from moving, thus promoting ideal oral function.
What can I expect from a dental implants consultation?
The best way to determine if dental implants are right for you is to schedule a consultation. During consultations, our team will perform a physical examination that includes X-rays. The results of the examination will help determine the best course of treatment for your needs.
Call Central Oklahoma Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Associates and reserve an appointment with our skilled oral surgeons today.