Full Dentures With Only Four Implants

Full Dentures With Only Four Implants

oklahoma city all on four

Implant dentures can provide a full smile that looks and functions like natural teeth. But if you’ve lost jawbone structure due to missing teeth you may not have enough structure to support traditional fixed dentures. However, we have an alternative that only requires four posts per arch, and can provide teeth in one day! At our Oklahoma City, OK, dental office, we can secure a new smile with the All-On-Four system.

What Causes Tooth Loss?

Why do we lose our natural teeth? In adulthood, the loss of our teeth could be linked to a number of serious oral health concerns. Poor oral hygiene and lack of treatment could allow cavities and infections to reach stages that lead to tooth loss or require the extraction of your teeth. An injury or accident could lead to missing teeth too. The most common cause of missing teeth in adulthood is periodontitis, the advanced stage of gum disease. When we examine your smile, we will assess the cause of your tooth loss so we can discuss treating underlying concerns and protecting your new implant dentures.

The Dangers to Your Smile

Without treatment, missing teeth could lead to serious issues with your smile’s health and function, not to mention your overall appearance. For example, the gaps could limit your meal options and deny you access to key nutrients. You could have trouble speaking clearly too, and could be susceptible to issues like TMJ disorder and bruxism. You could also look older as your jaw breaks down, losing mass and density following tooth loss due to missing roots. But with dental implants, we can counter these concerns and preserve your smile!

Teeth in Only One Day

Even if your jaw has weakened due to the loss of mass and density, we could support a complete set of dentures. Using just four unique implant posts per arch, our team can support a prosthetic, so you don’t have to undergo grafting or sinus lifts beforehand. These dental implants then stimulate the growth of jaw structure to preserve your smile and prevent further loss of mass and density. As a result, your new teeth can last for decades to come, possibly even a lifetime. The placement of the posts and the attachment of prosthetics don’t require separate visits either, so you can leave with a full smile.

If you have any questions about securing full dentures with just four dental implant posts, then contact our team today to find out more!


Our team wants to help you enjoy your best possible smile with a full set of fixed dentures. To address your missing teeth and restore your smile, call our Oklahoma City, OK office at (405) 624-1300 or (800) 352-8685.