
Molars are vital to oral function. Since these teeth have flat and ample biting surfaces, they help chew food to small enough pieces so that we can swallow with ease. Just losing one molar can greatly affect oral function. Moreover, losing a molar can lead...

If you have an upcoming oral surgery scheduled, you likely have questions about what to expect after your procedure. Caring for your mouth after treatment is an important part of the recovery process. It is important to follow all instructions given to you by your...

Facial trauma can happen to anyone. Many times, an accidental fall or a car wreck can affect the oral and maxillofacial region of the body. Since the face and mouth are made up of hard tissue, bones and teeth can become broken and injured. When...

Your wisdom teeth are the largest teeth in your mouth and therefore the most likely to become impacted. Most people’s jaws are not large enough to accommodate these third molars. Impacted wisdom teeth should be extracted by an oral surgeon. A surgical procedure is typically necessary...

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become less dense over time. This process occurs naturally as a person gets older and can be accelerated by genetic factors as well as diet and other lifestyle issues. Because adequate bone material is so essential to...

Patients who are facing a tooth extraction may have some anxiety about the procedure. Those fears can be eased when they have a better idea of what to expect and how to prepare for the extraction. First, the patient should know what type of extraction...

Patients have multiple considerations when deciding on a treatment following tooth loss. Appearance, function and comfort are all influential. For the best performance in all of these areas, an increasing number of patients are turning to dental implants as a tooth replacement solution. As long as...