Traditional dental implant dentures can offer a solution to total tooth loss, but this involves a visit for implant placement and then months of waiting before your denture is attached. But with All-On-Four, we can provide a complete set of fixed dentures in only one visit. Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide you with Teeth-In-A-Day!
When you lose several of your natural teeth, or possibly all of them, your oral health, bite function, and quality of life can suffer, as can your facial structure. But we can counter these complications with the placement of dental implant dentures. In fact, our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide a full smile in one visit with All-On-Four.
As we grow older, and especially if we have periodontal disease, then the risk of tooth loss will increase. Once we’re missing the majority of our teeth, this could lead to serious trouble. But there is hope! Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide a complete smile again in one visit with All-On-Four®.
Tooth loss can lead to issues with your daily life, causing an aged appearance. With dentures, we can replace every tooth on each arch. Instead of removable dentures, we can offer a fixed version, and we can do so in one visit. Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK wants to talk about All-On-Four® Teeth-In-A-Day implant dentures.
When you suffer from total tooth loss, you may assume your only option is removable dentures, or that receiving implant options could take months. But what if we could provide a set of fixed dentures in only one visit, so you leave with a full smile after one sitting? Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide All-On-Four® implant dentures.
Dental implants offer a strong and long-lasting solution to your missing teeth, so you can smile with confidence and enjoy your favorite foods again. But this doesn’t have to be a long process, with months of waiting involved. Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide a complete smile in one visit with All-On-Four® Teeth-In-A-Day!
Have you lost most of your teeth, or possibly all of them? While removable dentures are effective, we can secure a fixed set with dental implants, which last far longer. Not only that, but our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can complete this in only one visit with the All-On-Four® system!
For many, the prospect of receiving dental implant dentures could mean a prolonged process, with months between the placement of the implants and the attachment of your dentures. But what if the entire process could be done in a single visit? Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can provide Teeth-In-A-Day with the All-On-Four® system.
Traditional bridges can last about ten years, while removable dentures need replacement every five years on average. But what if we could secure a set of dentures that look great but last for decades to come, potentially even a lifetime? Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can do that with the All-On-Four system!
Do you have missing teeth, even total tooth loss? If you have gaps too severe to be treated with a bridge or individual dental implants, then a set of dentures may be necessary. With All-On-Four, we can do so with fewer posts and even in weakened jawbones! Our team at our dental implant center in Stillwater, OK can offer a smile with All-On-Four in one day!