
Maxillofacial trauma is devastating, both physically and emotionally. Once the injuries you've sustained are stabilized, finding a reputable and skilled oral surgeon to perform the needed corrective and restorative surgeries is essential for having the best outcome possible. What is maxillofacial trauma? "Maxillofacial trauma" is used to...

If you are getting All-on-4 to restore your smile after tooth loss, you are likely eagerly anticipating the procedure. For the best results, you will want to be sure to take good care of your smile afterward, as directed by your oral surgeon, so that...

If you are anticipating some type of oral surgery procedure, you are likely to have a number of questions, especially if it’s your first time. Even patients who have undergone oral surgery before may not know what to expect from a different type of intervention. Rest...

When the wisdom teeth are impacted, which is a common occurrence among modern humans with our relatively small jaws, they can cause discomfort. However, that doesn’t always happen, so patients shouldn’t assume that if they have no pain, their wisdom teeth aren’t impacted. Instead, if your...

Contact sports present significant risks to your oral health if you don’t take good care of your smile while engaging in them. Patients who don’t protect their smiles while playing sports can face significant consequences of facial trauma, which may warrant treatment by an oral...

Dental implants are superior tooth restorations in comparison to conventional appliances, but some patients still hesitate to consider this treatment option. Unfortunately, a number of dental myths can unnecessarily discourage patients from pursuing dental implants. It’s important to get all of the facts when you are...